
Secure & Powerful
Video Streaming Platform

Free store and share your videos online with multi quality

Our Features

HLS Streaming

HLS Streaming technology and Global server system, optimize video playback speed.

Unlimited storage

Upload as many videos as you want. Active files will be saved on a secure server system.

Unlimited bandwidth

Stream videos from anywhere, anytime with unlimited bandwidth and speed

Large File accepted

You are allowed to upload a file up to 15 GB

Adult Content

All the legal adult contents are allowed without any restrictions.

Extensive statistics

We got you covered! See where your viewers are coming from. See if they use adblock. Improve your metrics based on that!

Not interested in statistics and numbers? In case you want to do a product placement in one of your videos, your potential advertisers need to know all your statistics. VideoVard got you covered!

Frequently Asked Questions